Thursday, 10 November 2016

'Still here?' Celebrities mocked for not leaving US

Celebrities have defended themselves after being mocked on social media for threatening to leave the US in the event of a Trump victory.

Comedian Amy Schumer and Lena Dunham were two of Hillary Clinton's supporters who promised to move to Canada if Mr Trump became president of the United States.

Since results came out Wednesday morning, Trump supporters have been sending celebrities online messages, mocking their plans to leave the country.

One Twitter user wrote to singer Miley Cyrus and Girls creator Dunham asking "How's Canada?", while another quipped that "the real loser is Canada, as it seems they are getting Lena Dunham after this".

Comedian Ricky Gervais also posted a tweet mocking the announcements, saying "the only funny thing about today is all those celebrities having to move to Canada or look like liars".

In April, Dunham said: "I know a lot of people have been threatening to do this, but I really will. 

"I know a lovely place in Vancouver, and I can get my work done from there."

Singer Cher, another vocal Clinton supporter, threatened to "pack her bags for Jupiter" in the event of a Trump presidency.

Twitter users made a photo montage with real estate ads to Jupiter Image Caption: Twitter users made a photo montage with real estate ads about moving to Jupiter

One Twitter user wrote "petition circling on Jupiter to keep Cher away", while others posted pictures of real estate adverts for the planet with the singer's face on them.

While most celebrities have kept away from social media since the results, singer Miley Cyrus posted a video of herself crying, saying she accepts President Trump.

"I accept you," she said, "I even accept you as the president of the United States."

Schumer posted a long message to her critics on her Instagram page, explaining how her threat to leave the US "was said in jest", and shouldn't "count as official news".

"Anyone saying pack your bags is just as disgusting as anyone who voted for this racist homophobic openly disrespectful woman abuser," she wrote.

Miley Cyrus posted a tearful post-election message on her twitter feed Video: Sobbing Cyrus says she 'accepts Trump' as President

She also called Trump supporters "weak" and "misinformed".

"People who voted for him you are weak. You are not just misinformed. You didn't even attempt information," Schumer said.

She also posted a fake Donald Trump quote, in which he claims if he were ever to run for Presidency, he would run as a Republican because "they're the dumbest group of voters in the country".

She added: "Yes this quote is fake but it doesn't matter."

Celebrities who threatened to leave the country include Breaking Bad actor Bryan Cranston, Barbra Streisand, Samuel L Jackson, comedian Chelsea Handler, talk show host Jon Stewart and singer Amber Rose.


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